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Welcome to Our Online Store

Bamboezor London officially launched in January 2019, born from a wish to bring more people in contact with the benefits of Bamboo as a resource.

Founded by sisters Divina and Theresa both happily married parents, the companies focus started with products for babies, men and people with sensitive skin.

Our name is a blend of the Dutch word for Bamboo (Bamboe) combined with ‘zor’ from its sound being similar to ‘soar’ representing our intentions for the recognition of Bamboo as a universal renewable material.

As parents our children’s future is always on our minds, this helped shape the concept of the business with Eco-friendly renewable materials at the heart of everything we do.

Why Bamboo?

A natural resource in Asia, Bamboo’s availability and wide range of applications combined with rapid growth and ease of handling means it is essential to many peoples lives.

Originally from the Philippines, growing up, bamboo was everywhere even in our backyard, and we witnessed and enjoyed the practicality and renew-ability of it. Commonly, bamboo would be used for handcrafted items, hats, shelving, fences, floor-mats even entire houses can be made from it. And if that isn’t impressive enough, bamboo is also in shoot form, a healthy edible staple that contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and nutrients with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Developments in technology mean new applications for this incredible resource are constantly being found.

One of our favorite applications is bamboo as a fabric.

Our Mission

Not only do we aim to raise awareness and promote the many uses of bamboo and it’s everyday practically as well as environmental benefits but also intend to innovate within the marketplace. Our vision goes beyond the incredible resource, it’s a mindset. Welcome to Bamboezor London.

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